Japan Day 2 - Kyoto

>> Saturday, July 11, 2009

Check out the photo blog for more pics!

Day 2 - we travelled out to Kyoto via the Shinkansen. Then we took a local train to the Fushimi Inari Shrine. A pic of the inside of the local train.

Reached the Inari station. They even label on the ground which part of the platform to wait on for priority seats for the elderly, pregnant women etc.

Outside the Fushimi Inari shrine. You are supposed to wash your right hand, left hand, mouth using the left hand and left hand again in that order. Unfortunately, I do not quite know the significance of that.

Lots and lots of wooden tablets on which people write their wishes.

Strings of paper cranes which people hand and attach their wishes on. The white one on the left says: "勉強、習い事がしっかりできますように - 小野真由美" (For working hard at studies - Kono Mayumi)

Charms on sale for various purposes.

Divination lots which people tie on for good luck, I think.

Fushimi Inari is where there are many torii gates. Each one seems to erected by a company or person, I think. This one below is by the Kansai television station.

And this is by Sapporo Beer!!

Me jumping!

On the way out, saw senbei being grilled. Bought a herb flavour one to try.

A railway crossing - something you do not see in Singapore.

Lunch at a randomly picked eatery near the station. Nothing special. Ha!

Next, we proceeded back to JR Kyoto station to take a bus to another shrine - Kiyomizudera.

After alighting the bus, we walked up a long uphill path to the temple.

Taken above a flight of steps at the entrance to the shrine. Amazing clouds!

More wooden tablets, but these are interesting! The one on the right says: "彼女欲しい" (I wish for a girlfriend.)

Two local japanese girls visiting the shrine in their yutaka. Too bad they are not really pretty! =p

Inside Kiyomizudera is a shrine for love luck!

Supposedly, if you managed to walk from one stone to another (far off in the background) with your eyes closed, you will be with the one you love.

¥200 for a love divination lot. Since I need one, I bought one. But mine says "後でよくなります", which means my luck will only be better later. Damn!

Next we went off to Gion, where we caught sight of a geisha! And a pretty waitress too!! Check them out on the photo blog. Some random shots of Kyoto streets.

Finally, our last destination in Kyoto - Yasaka Shrine. The lanterns in the background had company names on them, and light up at night.

Back to JR Kyoto Station for our return to Osaka. That's Kyoto tower in the background.


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